Reaction on Korean Movie "Flu" and its significance to Public in the time of COVID-19 Pandemic

I got the chance to watch “Flu” the other night and just like most of the Korean movies we enjoyed, it was exceptional. Moreover, what made this film extra special is its mirroring of this pandemic times as specified through the following items:

a) Politicians who tend to overrule medical experts for positional security, and puts premium to protocols over lives at the height of a public health crisis;

b) Privileges such as facilities, equipment and services (the choppers, vehicles, passes or testing kits in our context) that prioritizes those in power and authority;

c) President who is strongly needed to be clear with pronouncements and decisive in actions while shouldering the full command and responsibility;

d) Panic due to cover-ups and whitewashing which eventually turned to an uprising

These 4Ps causes confusion and misdirection to the public, they are the victims of these ruffle, but at the same time the equally vulnerable to blame in case of surge or pandemic mismanagement.  Next time, before you lambast your countrymen as the worst in the world due to lack of discipline, make sure first that the leadership of those is power does not tick any of the 4Ps above. If you are still unsure in which spectrum you belong, try to reflect on the following points:

1. Does your political fanaticism matter more over the clamor of the suffering public?


2. Do you have the privilege of staying at home, and still earn by the generosity of the "oligarchs" whom you’ve demonized before?


3. Is there clarity in transparency with what’s happening and what's going to happen?

Back your claims with data on the actions of the citizens of the world and not just by your got-feel and social media.

Panic has, and knows, no citizenship but can be avoided and resolved the way “Flu” outdid it.


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